Level 7 Social

Saving Time

No matter how you slice it, in business, time is money. Whether you spend 6 hours, 10 hours, or 20 hours a week trying to promote your business on social media, that is time you will not get back. How much do you value your time? What do you as a business owner think your hourly wage is worth? Fifteen, Twintey, Thirty dollars per hour? More?

Saving you time is saving you money. Additionally, it frees up your time so you can focus on other aspects of growing your business. Developing more efficient operational standards, coaching and developing staff, networking, and sales all help build your business. Allow our team to handle the weekly social media task. For less than the cost of a part-time employee, we help to keep consistent relevant posts on your social media channels.

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Connect with Customers

We could list hundreds of examples or quote thousands of statics on why social media is huge in trying to connect with potential customers, but that would be boring. However, there are a few stats that we think are very important. If you are a B2B business, one of the most interesting surveys conducted was that of Company Executives in the US. It found that over 73% of executives used social media in determining business decisions. Take that into consideration next time you solicit another business.

Now, if you are in the B2C market, then you should already know that over 78% of consumers purchase products or services seen in a social media ad or post. But one interesting fact is that 65% of consumers report buying a product they were not originally searching for after seeing it on social media. Wow! Social media truly is the modern billboard!

Now that we got the statistics out the way, let’s not forget about brand loyalty. The other half of connecting with customers is building brand loyalty. The more your existing customers can interact with your brand and services, the more they can become advocates of your service or products. Advocates are huge because they promote your brand for free! it is basically free advertising from your most loyal customer base. However, if you don’t have content or post for them to share and interact with on a consistent basis, then they will be promoting someone or something else.


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Increase Revenue

Now let’s be clear, Level 7 Social cannot guarantee you any type of revenue increase because we do not control your sales funnel, your service, or your quality of work, but what we can do is give you the opportunity to improve on each of those. How? Well like we said before, saving you valuable time, and creating a connection with brand loyalists and future clients. 

We would also like to point out that consistency is king! Many studies have shown that consistency in social media use and brand messaging has increased revenue by as much as 10% to 30% in varying fields. Plus, we have been doing this for a while and have seen much the same responses and increases from our previous clients. So, no matter what angle you look from, using Level 7 Social will aid in saving and making you money. What you do with it is up to you!